Download Surrogate by Ellison James (.ePUB)

Surrogate by Ellison James (Geil Clinic #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 104 Kb
Overview: Marla gets more than she bargained for when she participates in a study at the Geil Clinic involving "Remote Influence." Her, and three other women share things that go beyond intimate in this spicy little study involving telepathy, Sapphic desire, and a surrogate who is more than willing to lend herself for the good of the experiment.
Marla felt the hands again, this time moving slowly down her arms, and it made her hair stand up and her skin set to gooseflesh. Her mind warmed to the feeling, as if this entity spoke to her in some unheard voice, telling her it meant no harm, telling her it desired only to please her. The feeling of ghost fingers were now on her legs, moving slowly down the outsides of her thighs and circling her knees. This was more than just a manufactured sensation; these were actual hands on her, at least that’s the way it felt. It was more than just some machine generating tactile feeling upon her. The touch came from an entity, a person … a woman.
Genre: Erotic Romance FF


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