Download Summer Sizzlers by Karen Mandeville et al (.ePUB)

Summer Sizzlers by Karen Mandeville, Brenda Williamson,
Requirements: ePUB Reader 202 KB
Overview: Summer Sizzlers is filled with ten short and highly erotic stories. Many of the stories lack strong character development but all are highly charged with an intense level of sensuality. The same can be said for the plotlines as they range from almost non-existent to fully developed. Summer Sizzlers will provide quick enjoyment, thus it is the perfect beach read.

Joy Ride by Karen Mandeville Jaymi has been using Andrew as her fantasy lover. Stuck in a traffic jam, she proceeds to entertain herself utilizing Andrew as inspiration.
Joy Ride is only 14 pages long and the focus is on Jaymi. Ms. Mandeville just gives us a glimpse of her character. With such a short story, character development is kept to a minimum but the reader fully gets Jaymi’s desires.

His Hot Kiss by Brenda Williamson Mallory Parker has been experiencing some accidents lately. She is building a house for Braden Harwood. Braden’s ex fiancee, Jenna, is a woman who has a problem with letting go. Mallory and Braden hit it off immediately. They do have an intense chemistry together. Once again, character development is minimal but the story is action packed.

School’s Out by C’ann Iman Julie Shaw is on vacation. She meets a former student, Derek who claims to have had a crush on her. Wow what a hot story! Julie and Derek lights up the pages with their lovemaking. This was a great story about an older woman and a younger man.

Courting Love by Ann Cory Minna and Devin are adversaries in the courtroom. Once out of the work setting, can these two connect on a more personal level? Minna and Devin share more than just the courtroom. Devin is a silver tongued devil who can seduce Minna with his words. A very scorching story with the eroticism between the two leads set on high.

Sizzling Summer by Jenna Howard Summer Drummond and Mitch Durst suffered a lost that almost destroyed them and their marriage. Mitch is back to face Summer and maybe reclaim the love they lost. This is the most emotionally touching story. The reader will feel the anguish and pain these two characters went through. This story features a storyline that will draw you in.

Hot Time in the City by Sherrill Quinn Brandt De Winton has made a terrible mistake. He lost the woman he loved due to his condemnations. Will he get a second chance to get her back? Brandt comprehends the magnitude of his mistake and when fate brings Dakota back into his life – he jumps on it. This was a great short story that will bring a smile to the reader’s face.

Far From Ordinary by Jamie Hill Luke Mason stops for gas at the Shadow Diner. He experiences more than he expected to with Stacy, the waitress there. This was a scorching story with everything set on high. It also has a terrific twist that will have you re-reading it again.

The Labyrinth by Susan M. Sailors The heroes of the books she reads can come to life if she wishes them too. Damon, an assassin is the man from one of her books. Charity must make a decision to let him stay or send him back into the book. This story had a very interesting premise plus the two lead characters are very likable. Any woman would love to have access to Charity’s library!

Satan’s Slave by Emma Wildes Lady Caroline Kendrick has been kidnapped by a pirate. Caroline recognizes the “pirate” as Charles Somerset. Why is Charles doing this?
Satan’s Slave was a wonderful historical story. It has romance and lots of sexual action that fits perfectly with the lead couple as well as the storyline.

Magnolia Summer by Barbara J. Baldwin Richelle Farnsworth is supposed to marry James. Thomas kidnaps her for ransom but he finds something more precious. Magnolia Summer was a great way to end this anthology. Richelle and Thomas are great together. With tons of actions on all fronts, this story was a fast read!!
Genre: Erotic Romance


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