Download Sugar Daddy Danger by Matt Tims (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Sugar Daddy Danger: Rachel’s Journey Into the World of Rich & Dangerous Men by Matt Tims
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 0.5 Mb
Overview: No student debt.

As in zero. Nada. Nothing. Nineteen-year-old Rachel still can’t fathom the idea of watching all of her financial worries disappear with a simple stroke of a pen, but her best friend Heather proved how attainable a carefree lifestyle could really be to girls like them.

And that’s exactly why Rachel can’t wait to join the sugar daddy lifestyle.

But it’s not all about jewelry and expensive dresses. Adrian is different. He comes along with a past that Rachel soon finds herself caught up in, and a world of trouble which threatens her way of life. The question soon becomes clear.

Is Adrian worth the danger?
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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