Download Stuck With Mr. Fixer by Alyssa Cobb (.ePUB)

Stuck With Mr. Fixer by Alyssa Cobb
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 475 KB
Overview: What happens at the dive bar is supposed to stay at the dive bar.
Not show up at work to bite you in the ass…

All I wanted was one night of careless fun. After an embarrassing social media scandal and a concerning data leak that would upset even the most laid-back CEO, I let loose for once and had a spontaneous one-night stand.
Sue me.
How was I supposed to know that my blue-eyed, dark-haired fling would be hired to “fix” my own company?
Apparently, things are so bad that people are starting to question whether I should run Miss Marigold anymore. And that’s before we’re hit with the lawsuit to rival all lawsuits.
But Thoren, our corporate consultant and stuck-up grump extraordinaire, is certain he can improve both my and the company’s image—one wilderness retreat at a time.

Too bad he couldn’t predict he’d get lost in the wild Georgia woods with me.
And this time, I’m not sure what I want more—to make him disappear from my life or become a permanent part of it?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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