Download Strung II: The Valley of Death by Per Jacobsen (.MP3)

Strung II: The Valley of Death by Per Jacobsen, Narrated by Michael Lucio (Strung Trilogy #2)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 115.3 MB, 4 hours and 11 minutes
Overview: Thirteen months after the events in the first book of the series, Randall Morgan and his family still live a life of uncertainty. A life in which they–like the other scattered groups of survivors–must be constantly on guard. One day, however, they make a macabre discovery that leads them to believe that their pursuers will not pose a threat much longer. But can they trust that it’s not just another clever trap set by their invisible enemy? And can they trust each other?—Continue the Strung Trilogy with this gripping sequel.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction > Horror


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