Download Stop Hurting and Start Living by Bill McDowell (.ePUB)

Stop Hurting and Start Living: How to Move Beyond the Pain Caused by Others by Bill McDowell
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 118 KB
Overview: Failed relationships are always painful. Human as we are, we are vulnerable to physical pain and emotional conflicts. And always, it is the emotional conflict that drives us to the edge. Physical pain is always tolerable. If it becomes too painful; there are a lot of pain relievers we can induce to stop the pain if not reduce it. It’s plain and simple. Physical pain does not linger. It stops when the wound starts to heal. Emotional pain, on the other hand, is something that tortures us from within. It hurts us in ways no physical wounds can. What’s worse? There is no tangible medicine we can take or drink to ease the pain away. As painful as it is, we have no choice but to move on. We have to stop hurting and start living instead. The world will not stop revolving to wait for us. We need to realize that pain is inevitable…that it is an important part of our lives. It is human nature to feel and love and consequently, it is also this very nature of man that makes us hurt. We are always affected in more ways than one because we are partly responsible.
Genre: Non Fiction, Mental Health


Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…
– Understanding Pain and Suffering
– Why is it Hard to Let go?
– Things to Let go of to be Happy
– ips on How to Move On and Forget the Past
And, much, much more!

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