Download Stolen by Adam Collins (.ePUB)

Stolen by Adam Collins (Bloodthorn #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 216 kB
Overview: Brinn has certain…abilities. Lightening fast cat-like reflexes and with an uncanny ability to climb, he was born to be a Pathfinder. But being a member of the King’s elite did not stop him from going to the dungeon when found guilty of murdering the King’s cousin.

Fate has intervened. Princess Megan has been kidnapped and the King no longer has a choice. They need the best men in the kingdom if there is to be any hope of rescue. And the best of the best is Brinn Thronso…

Stolen is an action packed adventure traversing many lands and cultures, featuring many diverse characters; where wars are bloody, heroes are flawed, and princesses have attitude.
Genre: Fantasy > Epic


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