Download STERN: A femdom trilogy by Molly Sands (.ePUB)

STERN: A femdom trilogy by Molly Sands
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 434 KB
Overview: Three erotic novels – ‘The Devlin Woman’ and its sequels ‘Slave Song’ and ‘Contessa’ – now published in a single edition. (154000 words)

Dreams of submission to a stern and beautiful woman have haunted David Corrie all his life, and when his wife leaves him in the hands of a formidable older woman his dreams come true in ways he never imagined possible. What begins as a week-end sex game becomes a sensual and darkly erotic descent into complete submission –

‘He threw himself into the work, hard labour his only way of forgetting the ordeal ahead but, when he came back at the appointed time, he saw his housekeeping dress billowing gently on the line where Ann had pegged it out to dry. The sight of it sent a frisson of pure terror down his spine, and yet he felt a deep undercurrent of masochistic arousal. He told himself to run away, take the farm-track to the road, and hitch a ride home. He’d go to one of his friends and ask for help. What was to stop him? He didn’t have to go through with this. It was more than any man could bear. But he didn’t move, and he remained by the drying-line, a man in a dream. Finally, after long moments, he took his dress from the line and went inside.’
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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