Download Stargazer series by T.R. Woodman (.ePUB)

Stargazer series by T.R. Woodman
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Overview: I’m from Colorado, my wife is from Texas, my kids are from Russia and we all live in Georgia. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t feel humbled by the miracle of how all that came to pass. I have always been a writer, but I got distracted along the way. In college, I studied something that was pretty much the opposite of creative writing, and I consequently spent several years doing very serious work for very serious people. As it turns out, I’m pretty good at it, so I still do some consulting for those very serious people, but storytelling is a lot more fun.
Genre: Science Fiction > Dystopian

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01. Jane and the Exodus: A hopeful girl with her eyes on a new world. Her stubborn brother with his heart in the slums. Only hours left to save him from exile and death.

All Jane wants is to leave unnoticed. To escape the crumbling ruins of Earth with her family and start a new life as a colonist. But bullheadedness runs heavy in Jane’s family. Her brother, Tate, won’t budge. He refuses to leave, and Jane refuses to leave without him.
Her plan is simple. Sneak away from her father’s compound. Travel to the industrial slum Tate calls home. Appeal to his older-brotherliness, and if he doesn’t come quietly, she’ll make big brother wish he had listened to reason. But things get complicated when Jane’s father humiliates the one man ruthless and resourceful enough to stop them, just days before their shuttles are set to leave.
Jane is desperate. The days she thought she had are now just hours. Determined to save her brother, she must find him and return to the compound before any of them are caught, because capture means prison, and prison means DF-23, a prison camp where the residents pray for death long before it ever comes.

01.5: The Champion: Is an in-between novella

02. Doppelganger Girl: A girl who just wants to fit in. A boy who loves her despite her past. An adventure that could tear them apart, light years from Earth.

When Evelyn woke in a lab as a ten-year-old girl, the research team said her body was a gift. She wasn’t so sure. It seemed like a cruel prank to give a girl a gangly body just in time for puberty and hormones. She felt awkward, and the would-be colonists she traveled with treated her like a science experiment gone awry. For six years she pretended not to care.

Now Evelyn is delivering the colonists to their new world. She is sixteen, and while her intelligence was once artificial, it isn’t any longer. Neither are her feelings. Not her doubts about whether she can protect the colonists from the dangers of their new world. Not her frustration about being treated like an it by the same ungrateful people. Not the unbounded ache she has for the green-eyed boy with the crooked smile, her only friend, or the suffocating uncertainty she feels as she wonders if they could ever be happy together.
But her feelings have no place in the untamed colony. Her burden as caretaker won’t allow for such frivolities, and Evelyn knows if she loses the battle for her place among the settlers, she not only risks her chance of being happy with the boy she loves—she also risks losing her humanity, and could find herself alone, exiled on a strange planet, thousands of light-years from Earth.

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