Download Starchild Skull Essentials by Lloyd Pye (.PDF)

Starchild Skull Essentials by Lloyd Pye
Requirements: Adobe Reader, 5mb
Overview: The Starchild Skull is a human-like bone skull independently radiocarbon dated at 900 years old (+/- 40 years). It is unlike any other skull that has ever been found or presented for inspection. It is unique in the world.

The “Starchild” name resulted from early X-rays of a maxilla fragment detached from the skull. It had two visible teeth and five unerupted crowns embedded in the bone above. That, combined with a slightly-less-than-normal-adult size of the skull and the infant size of the maxilla fragment indicated a child of 5 or 6. However, subsequent examination by experts has led them to suggest that this age is not necessarily accurate.

From extremely shallow eye sockets to total lack of frontal sinuses, the Starchild skull’s physical traits cannot be accounted for by any known combination of deformities. The bone itself has a biochemical signature more like tooth enamel than bone, unlike anything currently known. And inside that unusual bone are microscopic fibers and a red residue that so far defy explanation.
Genre: Non-Fiction


Download Instructions: (Links updated on 21st August 2022. Thanks to Nope)

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