Download Star Wars: The Mighty Chewbacca by Tom Angleberger (.MP3)

Star Wars: The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear by Tom Angleberger
Requirements: MP3 Player | 64kbps | 93MB | 3Hrs 24Min | Single File
Overview: When Chewbacca finds out that a job he thought was simply ferrying a ship full of tooka cats is actually much more dangerous, he’s excited to have something to do! But when he, a young bounty hunter librarian, and a droll cargo droid—whose real name, unbeknownst to the others, is K-2SO—land in the middle of a blue forest that seems to emit a fear-causing mist, Chewie realizes this job might be a bit too dangerous for his liking. He and his new friends will fight snarlers and sniffers and their own fears as they try to recover a sacred book—and save Han Solo in the process!
Genre: Audiobook | Children | Fiction


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