Download Star Drawn Saga series by Stephen Charlick (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Star Drawn Saga series by Stephen Charlick (#1-2)
Requirements: ePUB or MOBI Reader, 1.61 Mb
Overview: Every train journey to and from work would always see me with my latest’ horror find’ perched in my lap, trying to finish just that one more page before I had to relinquish my seat and reluctantly put my book away. Inevitably, the books that engrossed me for my meager train journeys, while those around me plugged themselves into the latest from the top ten or something worthy from the Booker list… well mine, to be honest, had either Zombies, Vampires or Werewolves in them and if I was really lucky, all three… not very worthy or highbrow I know, but for me whenever I opened those pages and let reality fall away, it was like being a teenager again watching an old Saturday night horror flick… and I loved it. Just like those old movies, sometimes they were good and sometimes they were not but even the bad ones were enjoyable in their own strange way. It was after finishing one of those ‘well that wasn’t the book I thought it was going to be’ novels, that I decided that I could probably give this a go myself… so the next day I worked out a character list and their story arcs and just started. So here I am a year later with my first book on Amazon and more on the way… So if you’ve sat on the tube, subway or train turning the last page of a book that didn’t deliver on its promises… give one of my books a go… you may just be surprised.
Genre: Horror | Zombie Apocalypse

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Note: The Star Drawn Saga series is set in the same universe as the Lanherne Chronicles series.

Death Among The Dead (Book 2)
The world is dead; it took its last breath over five years ago and those that remained will tell you its passing was certainly far from peaceful. The snapping jaws and bloody hands of death ripped life from humanity’s grasp, leaving nothing in its wake but savage corpses burning with an un-natural compulsion to feast upon the living. Those left alive simply called them the Dead and no matter who you once were or what you once did, no one could escape their touch for long. But Man was stubborn, Man was persistent and Man refused to give up. He found a way to exist in this world of death and as survivors gathered together, small pockets of humanity began to rebuild and mold their lives as they saw fit. And so it was that three such survivors, Fran, Kai and Tom found themselves crossing the English country side bound for the island of Saint Michael’s mount; hopeful to not only meet up with their separated friends but perhaps daring to wonder if they too could find themselves a home. Joined on the way by another small family, touched by their own deadly tragedy, Fran, Kai and Tom soon realize leaving the mainland and the Dead behind them will not be as easy as they hoped. For the Dead will not be denied their bloody penance and as ghosts of the past, both tolerated and unexpected come into play, death soon breaches the island’s defenses; bringing with it a new and equally terrifying madness for the inhabitants of St Michael’s Mount to bear.

Lost Among The Dead (Book 2)
The world has died. Mothers have died. Fathers have died. Brothers, sisters, loved ones and friends, they have all fallen to the unholy plague that has swept across the globe; and yet as the newly risen Dead they still walked, they still searched and worst of all they still mindlessly fed. In this new dark world no survivor has been left untouched by the bloody madness that has ripped humanity apart, no heart left unbroken and no mind left un-fractured by pain and loss; but still Man endures, somehow. So it is in this living nightmare that three such survivors, Tom, Fran and Kai, slowly make their way through the English countryside, wondering tirelessly in search of their missing friends, in search of a safe haven and for one of them, in search of a fading and slipping sanity. But despite the glimmer of hope that briefly blossoms in the darkness around them, in their own way, each of them already know that when the Dead come to feed it does not matter where you are, how well you can defend yourself or who you can find to hold you close in the night, you are still lost; you are the ‘Lost among the Dead’.

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Books 1-2: …
Book 2: …

Books 1-2:
Book 2:

Lanherne Chronicles series: viewtopic.php?f=1293

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