Download Staked!: Nightwalkers Omnibus (1-8) by Candace Wondrak (.ePUB)

Staked!: Nightwalkers Omnibus by Candace Wondrak (#1-8)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 1.4 MB
Overview: Buffy meets Supernatural in this fun, quirky yet emotional, character-driven saga. Be warned, this series is complete with a bittersweet ending. Staked! includes eight books totaling 455k words, including a sneak peek at a future RH/Why Choose spin-off featuring some old favorites and a new cast of characters!
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Being a teenager and purifying Demons? Hard enough. When you throw in some homicidal maniacs, Demons that want to crawl inside you, and liars that are just as likely to kill you as they are to kiss you, you get one big batch of crazy. Luckily for Kassandra Niles, crazy is her middle name.

In Nightwalkers, seventeen-year-old Kass is forced to go to high school. There she gains her first friend, and a boy who likes her more than he should. Beside her co-Purifier, Gabriel, no one can know she’s a Purifier. Dating has never been so tempting. Too bad there’s a big baddie out there plotting the end of the world.

In Daywalkers, Kass is forced to deal with the aftermath of the Osiris ritual, and her actions that stopped it. Someone stalks her, leaving a trail of black roses and death. One of which she’s accustomed to – and it’s not the roses.

In Shifters, new faces come to town, along with an old one. Kass’s circle grows larger, but her visions reveal that not all is what it seems. A Demon follows her every move, threatening to wreak havoc on her life.

In Sorcerers, Kass stumbles into an alternate reality where everything is different, and where everything is the same. Some truths are always evident, which means that those in her world are liars. She’s determined to find out who, after she gets back to her world.

In Morphers, the mystery of the first Purifier comes to light, and it is someone Kass doesn’t expect. Her new friends are not who they seem to be. She begins to wonder, is anybody human in this town? Crixis still hunts her, and she is powerless to stop him.

In Originals, an original baddie is brought back to life. In order to defeat her, Kass will have to team up with her worst enemy: Crixis. The revelation of her upcoming death does not stop her. She will fight until the end.

In Skinwalkers, an old friend hunts Kass with the goal of awakening Gabriel. Neither Purifier is what they seem. Their destinies are intertwined, and those who they believe they could trust turn out to be the worst liars of them all.

In The Order, this is it. This is the end. Everything we’ve fought for, everything we’ve survived…it all led to this. The final showdown. Us against the Order. Me and Gabriel against the world. Hopefully, we’ll survive this. No more dying for either of us. It’s going to be hard, given the fact Gabriel has the soul of the Devil inside him, but I want to be done with it. I want to live my life free of the Council. My name is Kassandra Niles, and by now, I should know better than to hope for such a far-fetched thing.

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