Download Spine Ridge University series by Clarissa Wild (.ePUB)

Spine Ridge University series by Clarissa Wild (1-3)
Requirements: epub reader, 4 mb
Overview: Clarissa Wild is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty women. Her other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals.
Genre: Romance


1. Sick Boys – I didn’t believe them when they said they would corrupt me.
I was wrong. So wrong.
The night my sister died, a piece of me died with her, so I made a vow.
I’m going to enroll at Spine Ridge University just like her, find the person responsible … and make them pay.
Until I meet three sick boys of the Skull & Serpent Society: Felix, Dylan, Alistair. Rude, heartless, vicious guys who are obsessed with making me regret I ever stepped foot on campus.
They make me a deal: My body in exchange for a glimpse at their violence.
Refusing them is impossible, denying them is insane.
They’re rough, greedy, and every second with them is filled with depravity.
Their venom is jabbed straight into my heart and I’m sucked into their world.
All for the sake of revenge.
Until it becomes something more.
Something priceless.
Something all four of us would kill for.

2. Evil Boys – I was hellbent on making them pay.
Instead, they bent and twisted me.
I am the golden child, the one who’s supposed to be perfect.
During the day I attend Spine Ridge University as my father wishes, but when darkness falls I put on my mask to hunt criminals and destroy them.
Until one night when I come face to face with three evil boys …
Kai, Nathan, and Milo from the Phantom Society. Secretive, violent, dirty guys who promise to expose my vigilante justice and put my dangerous side-job in the limelight.
They’ll show the world how savage I truly am … unless I let them have their way with me.
My body bartered for their silence … And I say yes.
They’re shameless in claiming me, not even my dignity is spared.
With their devious games they make me question my sanity.
Worst of all … I’m beginning to love every inch of their corruption.
Until it’s no longer just bodies against bodies, but four hearts beating in sync.
But if I’m really going to go down this path to hell …
I’m taking those devils with me.

3. Vile Boys – All I’ve ever known is how to be a good girl.
My father called me his little jewel. I was the promise of a better life for us all.
So I studied hard and treated everyone kindly, just like he’d taught me.
Until I witnessed three vile boys kill.
Ares, Caleb, and Blaine from the Tartarus House at Spine Ridge University. Devilish, hedonistic, ruthless guys determined to break me. They’re self-proclaimed gods of their own purgatory, and they won’t rest until I’ve been silenced.
Their wicked games drive me insane. What they crave is my submission on a silver platter.
And when they threaten my mother’s life, I finally agree to let them own me.
Their filth is overpowering, and my body is corrupted in every way possible.
Debauchery is what they’re good at, burning every inch of my soul until there’s nothing left but hatred for how good they make it feel … hatred for how badly they make me yearn them.
But I will use this hatred against them…
Turn it into a weapon of vengeance…
Make even Gods kneel.

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