Space Lore series by Chris Dietzel (Books #2, #3)
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Overview: Chris graduated from Western Maryland College (McDaniel College). He currently lives in Florida. His dream is to write the same kind of stories that have inspired him over the years.
Genre: Fiction, sci-fi/fantasy
#2 – The Excalibur
Six years ago, two fleets met in a battle that changed the course of the galaxy. In the time since, the CasterLan Kingdom and the Vonnegan Empire have been rebuilding their forces. The clock is ticking down to another inevitable confrontation.
In the face of insurmountable odds, Vere CasterLan’s only hope lies in freeing a legendary weapon from the stone that encases it. It has been said that whoever can free the Excalibur will possess unimaginable power. The only problem, as certain death approaches, is that for thousands of years no one has been able to figure out how to release the Excalibur from the asteroid surrounding it. In this second volume of the Space Lore trilogy, lives will be lost, kingdoms will be redrawn, and the galaxy will never be the same.
#3 – The Round Table
The CasterLan forces have withdrawn to the edges of the solar system. Meanwhile, the Vonnegan Empire looks to find more planets to rule over. Seeing firsthand the cruelty and suffering that the Vonnegan Empire is capable of, Vere CasterLan begins to understand that only one thing that can bring peace to the galaxy and stop Mowbray once and for all. It’s a simple notion, only three words: the round table.
But as the call goes out for armies from every corner of space to unite against a common evil, will anyone listen to a ruler who has already lost everything she once had? In this third installment of the Space Lore trilogy, discover the fates of Vere, Morgan, and the entire galaxy.
Download Instructions:
Book 2:
Book 3:
Book 1: viewtopic.php?f=1293&t=1597254&hilit=chris+dietzel