Soul Rest: Reclaim Your Life. Return to Sabbath. by Curtis Zackery
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3 MB
Overview: In the cacophony of life’s obligations, finding true soul rest is nearly impossible.
With so many responsibilities and distractions vying for our attention, too many of us have neglected to build a healthy cycle of rest. As a result, we burn out, striving and straining against God’s intent for our lives. We can only pursue God’s best for us if we learn to truly trust Him and rest.
In Soul Rest, Curtis Zackery reveals how a misaligned view of rest speaks to an identity that’s out of tune with God. Better understanding God’s intention for the Sabbath can dynamically affect every aspect of our lives as we learn to trust Him more. This thoughtful reflection on rest calls us to the difficult but rewarding work of examining and restructuring our days around purposeful and sustainable life with Jesus.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy
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