Download Soul of Stars by Anastasia Wolfe (.ePUB)

Soul of Stars (Heart of Frost #2) by Anastasia Wolfe
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1 MB
Overview: A strange deity has haunted Revna her whole life.

Born to a nomadic mother and raised on the steppes of Kargia, huntress and warrior Revna has dedicated her life to defending the people of Frostrise. She trains to fight alongside her companions and fierce, red-haired commander Inagarde—who happens to be Revna’s closest confidant and lover. Ever since she arrived in her father’s homeland as a young teenager, Revna has fallen in love with the land, its people, and her life among the warriors.

But nothing is easy for those chosen by Bozhiri. The Kargian deity of visions and mischief, Bozhiri sends Revna a vision of an impending battle, where Inagarde meets an untimely death. Even worse, she is unable to warn her lover as Bozhiri keeps her bound to silence. Determined to change the future against all odds, Revna must do all she can to save Inagarde and thwart a fate already written in the stars.
Genre: Fiction > Romance FF


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