Download Sons of Rome series by Lauren Gilley (.ePUB)

Sons of Rome series by Lauren Gilley (#0.5, 2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 134 kB | 516 kB
Overview: Lauren Gilley was (mostly) raised in a barn, where her attention to detail led her to the sport of dressage. She earned a degree in Business Management, but her true calling has always been fiction-writing. She is passionate about elegant, evocative prose, and complex character development. When she’s not crafting novels, she’s mucking stalls…and thinking about novels. She lives in the South.
Genre: Romance, Paranormal

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The Stalker (0.5): Rain fell against the roof and the windowpanes, sealing them in together in their den of antiques and crumbling books and the nail polish bottles lined up in the dormer ledges. It was all so ordinary and human; the only monsters were them, just the way he liked it.

Red Rooster (#2): In New York City, a string of increasingly-grisly murders leads Detective Trina Baskin, and her newly-immortal partner, Lanny, to a frightening facility with designs on studying all the immortals they can get their hands on. When one of their own is abducted, they’ll have to rely on dangerous new allies, plunged into a world they can barely believe exists…much less survive.

In a tiny town in Wyoming, a girl on the run and her self-appointed protector can’t afford to sit still for too long, and they definitely can’t accept the help of kind strangers. Ruby Russell has the kind of talent that turns heads, and draws powerful enemies. Her gifts are not her own, and the people who made her want her back.

In the second subbasement of a manor house outside Roanoke, a centuries-old Wallachian prince goes walking in his dreams. Guardian angel? Or beautiful liar? The people he visits will soon learn, because like it or not, they’re being drawn to his prison. All roads lead to Virginia in the second novel of Lauren Gilley’s Sons of Rome series. Dark paranormal fantasy brimming with richly-drawn characters, and steeped in history, Red Rooster continues the adventure that began in book one, White Wolf.

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Sons of Rome #1: White Wolf

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