Download Sons of Hecate Series by Mellanie Rourke (.ePUB)

Sons of Hecate by Mellanie Rourke (2 Book Series)
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Overview: Mellanie Rourke lives in Akron, Ohio with her loving (and long-suffering) husband. She writes all things M/M: dark romance, contemporary romance, and paranormal/urban fantasy romance.

Her menagerie consists of a spouse, three young adult roommates, two dogs, three cats, and five ferrets.

Now her husband has to put up with a variety of new ways to refer to male anatomy, and her children aren’t allowed to tell their teachers what she writes.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery > Fantasy


Volume 1: Elex
They took everything from him. Even his name.
Elex is a slave even though his father is King of Alexandria. Disinherited once his elemental magic developed, he was banished to the Alexandrian Legion to "learn his place" at the non-existent mercies of his new masters. Humiliated and abused, he learns the hard way that he can’t always protect the ones he loves.

Now the time of the Machi Thanatos approaches, a deadly competition where Legionnaires must battle their foes and each other for the dubious honor of a lifetime of slavery at the hands of Elusians, Alexandrians with the ability to control Elex and his fellow Mageians by Suppressing their ability to use magic.

Elex will fight to the death to protect himself and those he loves, but during the Machi he meets Helios, a shapeshifting Soma from the rebel country of Illyria. Helios will fight for what he loves, too, and this savagely fierce little Mageian is quickly adding his name to that list.

Separately they are two victims of the whims of Alexandrian Elusians. Together, they may discover a secret that could topple an empire.

This gay romance/urban fantasy novel features sexy shifters, a fiercely loyal and protective MC, interfering deities, and found family.

Volume 2: Rhuyin
Rhuyin is a Soma, a shapeshifter created by the gods with one purpose: find his Mageian partner and Bond with them to protect them with his life. The problem is, no Mageian wants to bond with a Soma with a disability: Rhuyin is mostly deaf. He struggles with self-doubt in a society that expects perfection from its Somas. After being forced to remain on the sidelines while others search for their matches, he joins Omada, a suicide squad of Somas who have given up hope of finding their mates. He just can’t shake the face of the man with eyes like the deep blue sea and the heart of a warrior. When fate draws them back together, Rhuyin begins to think hope may not be lost after all.

Luke was born Lucien Alexus, Prince of Alexandria, but when his Mageian powers manifested he was disinherited and condemned to a life of slavery in the country’s infamous Legion. He, along with a contingent of Alexandria Mageians, has escaped to the country of Illyria, where they hope to build new lives in a free society. But Luke is struggling with the burdens of leadership: so many people look to him to help save them, protect them, lead them, and the Somas all look to him with the desperate hope that he will somehow solve the massive imbalance of Soma to Mageia ratio. The pressure is overwhelming. How can he save them when he can’t even save himself?

Then a young Soma who sparkling green eyes walks into his life…and into his heart. Together they can either save the Legionnaires enslaved in Alexandria…or doom them all.

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