Download Sol’s Solstice (New Beginnings #1) by Leona Windwalker (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

Sol’s Solstice (New Beginnings #1) by Leona Windwalker
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 463 KB
Overview: Due to home instability thanks to their mother’s mental illness, Sol and Ben are used to being shuttled between relatives.

Sol is used to flying under his family’s radar, unless focusing unwanted attention away from his more outgoing, older twin. The day comes when he pays a steep price for attempting to shield his brother when an abusive relative decides to vent his rage and own self-loathing. It means losing Ben, but both boys gain a life without fear. That is, until the day Mama and Daddy manage to track their sons down, wanting to heal their broken family at the urging of their new pastor. Finding himself running for his life after their brand of spiritual counseling bears unwanted fruit, he is nearly run down by a car driven by Seth.

Can Seth help Sol find his way back from the darkness? And will he gain Ben back, only to lose himself once more?
Genre: Fiction > Romance > GLBT > Gay > MM


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