Download Solar Storm by Robert I. Katz (.ePUB)

Solar Storm by Robert I. Katz (The Survivors: Book 5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.7 mb
Overview: The Empire of Mankind fell into ruin thousands of years ago, and men no longer travel between the stars. On the world of Genesis, humanity exists in a precarious symbiosis with the alien and mysterious ephemera.

Damien Harthorne has spent years wandering from city to city, an elite soldier for hire. Now, he’s come to the ancient city of Rostov as two opposing baronies, Dumont and Monroe, gather their forces. Rostov is a potent brew of hatred and mistrust, and Damien hopes to take advantage of it.

Damien has navigated this perilous world since he was a small child, but Damien has been well trained, both to fight and to navigate the corridors of power. Like the noblemen who hire him, Damien Harthorne has ambitions of his own, and secrets that can upend the politics of his entire world.

Meanwhile, as the continent seethes with unrest, ambitious rulers and petty noblemen eye their neighbors’ territory, calculating the odds…and the ephemera, tired of waiting, observe the deadly struggles of mankind and make plans of their own.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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