Download Smoke Out by Craig Halloran (.ePUB)

Smoke Out by Craig Halloran (The Supernatural Bounty Hunter 10)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 302 KB
Overview: Unexpected Endings…

Outside of the riverfront Drake Energy plant, Smoke and Sidney prepare themselves for the final showdown with Kane. It’s all or nothing as they find themselves inside a hive full of countless shifting enemies, some new and some old, in a modern day labyrinth full of surprises. With the help of Sam, Guppy, Cort, Mal and Asia, they boldly rush in where angels fear to tread only to finally find the deep evil source of the shifters power…a god-like being born millenium’s ago.

Will their iron wills and mortal weapons be enough to stop the god-like figure that roams within the belly of the hive?

Can Smoke control is own blood lust or will he give in to the shifters and turn on his friends? Is there a cure for the evil that wants his soul?

There is only one thing for sure, this is the end of road where good and evil collide and only one force will be left standing.
Genre: Fantasy


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