Download Slow Cooking for Family Dinner by Roumianka Lazarova(.ePUB)+

Slow Cooking for Family Dinner: Healthy, Simple and Fuss-Free Recipes (Food Combining Cookbooks Book 6) by Roumianka Lazarova
Requirements: EPUB/MOBI/AZW3Reader 1.5 MB
Overview: This book is a part of Series „Food Combining Cookbooks”. In the book are presented 60 healthy, simple and fuss-free recipes suitable for the preparation of simple, delicious and cheap 30 family dinners. The recipes include mostly fresh vegetables and products that we can buy at any store. In each recipe, the products are combined so that has been kept the principles of slow cooking and proper combination of food. The products for the entire dinner were selected, very carefully, so the combination of the salad and the dish also meets these two principles.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Cooking


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