Download Skyline: A Reporter’s Reminiscence of the 1920s by Gene Fowler (.PDF)

Skyline: A Reporter’s Reminiscence of the 1920s by Gene Fowler
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Overview: Here is the last of the books of “the last of the troubadours,” as Lucius Beebe called Gene Fowler, completed just before his death in the summer of 1960.

Timberline, written in 1933, told of his Denver Post days and is a peerless account of the adventures of its most gifted reporter. A Solo in Tom-Toms, in 1946, took Gene further along his journalistic safari (with many a side excursion). Now Skyline comes to the greatest moments, the grand climax, the New York newspaper days of the 1920s, the time and the town in all their gusto and raw color.

As always with Gene Fowler his main story is built up of many stories of the people whom he knew, ranging from mountebanks, impostors, quacks, and bums to the “greats” that ornamented his days. Thus we meet in Skyline Babe Ruth, Grantland Rice, Ben Hecht, Charles MacArthur, Arthur Brisbane, Will Irwin, “Tad,” William Randolph Hearst, Jack Dempsey, Herbert Bayard Swope, Thomas Mitchell, Henry Ford, and many another – as well as some assorted kidnappers, panhandlers, defrocked doctors, and numerous colorful reporters of his acquaintance.

Occupying a large part of the stage is the fabulous Damon Runyon, whom Fowler met in Eldorado Springs, Colorado, in 1905. He knew him longer and better than did any writing man now alive, and the book contains much new material on Runyon, and many hitherto untold anecdotes and stories of him in his role as Broadway’s most fabulous citizen and as one of the leading wits of Park Row.

There will never be another Gene Fowler – and there will never be another book quite like this one, with its mixture of tenderness and humor and the rare qualities that make the true storyteller. The last chapter was written on the eve of his seventieth birthday; with a bit added subsequently that hints his knowledge of his rapidly nearing end. But, as Gene says, “Whenever there is a greeting there must also be a farewell.” And with Skyline we say farewell to one of the best-loved authors of our time.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs


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