Download Sky Brooks Series by McKenzie Hunter (.ePUB)

Sky Brooks Series by McKenzie Hunter (5-6)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 392 KB, 372KB
Overview: McKenzie, as a child, discovered that her life could be a whirlwind of adventures by simply opening a book. To this day, reading is still her favorite activity. She has a fondness for fantasy and mystery, which is probably why she writes urban fantasy.
Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy


5. Moon Cursed – Between life and death – there’s magic.
Friends of the Midwest Pack are missing, alliances are forming between enemies whose sole intent is to destroy the pack, and a mysterious group is trying to make a power grab using any means possible.
With her pack and its allies in danger, and her love life threatened by secrets, Sky doesn’t think things could possibly get worse. Then the spirit shade she’s hosted all her life awakens—vengeful and powerful—and uses Sky to cast a dark spell over all were-animals. If she can’t find a way to reverse it, they will die.

6. Darkness Unleashed – The Midwest Pack stands together —and they might fall together.
The denizens of the otherworld have always hidden their existence from humans, but when a video of a were-animal in a violent confrontation goes viral, they must take drastic measures to protect themselves. Alliances are broken and friendships strained as were-animals, vampires, witches, and elves all work to protect their own interests. When a group of humans backed by an old enemy sets out to expose the pack’s existence, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to remain undiscovered. Having more secrets than just their existence, the Midwest Pack has drawn the attention of a threat greater than their exposure to humankind.
As the world around them unravels, Sky, Ethan, and Josh must confront the dangerous consequences of their own secrets. When all are revealed, will any of them survive?

Download Instructions:
5. Moon Cursed

6. Darkness Unleashed

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