Download Skin Deep by Liz Nugent (.MP3)

Skin Deep by Liz Nugent, Annette Flynn (Narrator)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 274.1MB
Overview: Cordelia Russell has been living on the Côte d’Azur for 10 years, posing as an English heiress. Now her money is gone, and her luck is running out. Desperate to escape her grotty flat and grim reality, Cordelia spends a decadent night at the Negresco. But surrounded by the young, beautiful and privileged, she feels her age and her poverty.

As dawn breaks, she stumbles home through the backstreets. Even before she opens her door, she can hear the flies buzzing. It hasn’t taken long for the corpse in her bedroom to commence decomposing….

Liz Nugent’s novel is the dark, twisted and shocking story of what takes Cordelia from an island childhood in Ireland to ruin in Nice.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction


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