Download Skies of Fire by Alfred Price (.ePUB)

Skies of Fire by Alfred Price
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 289 KB
Overview: Twenty-two detailed accounts portray the multi-faceted nature of the air weapon…and show the many different ways aircraft are employed in time of war.
They also give an insight on how the various operational roles fit together to give this aspect of military operations such a formidable capability.
Aviation historian Alfred Price, author of Sky Battles and Sky Warriors among many other books, has once again roamed wartime skies to tell the story of different air actions. Together, they show how the air weapon has evolved over a period of nine decades.
From the operations of the Italian air expeditionary force in Libya in 1911-12, to the shooting down in less than two minutes of two Yugoslav MiG fighters in 1999, this is an all-action history of the increasing power and versatility of air arms over the years.
Price writes about the first successful air strike by carrier-borne aircraft in July 1918; the dramatic delivery of Spitfires to the hard-hit island of Malta in 1942; the highest air combat of the Second World War, a modified Mark IX Spitfire duelling a Junkers Ju 86R bomber at 42,000 feet over Southampton; the air blockade that kept the U-boats from engaging the Allied invasion fleet in 1944; and among others, actions from Vietnam, the Falklands and the Gulf.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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