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Six Books by Michael Kurland
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Overview: Michael Kurland is the author of more than thirty books, but is perhaps best known for his series of novels starring Professor Moriarty. The first volume, The Infernal Device, was nominated for an Edgar Award and the American Book Award, and received stellar reviews, including this from Isaac Asimov: “Michael Kurland has made Moriarty more interesting than Doyle ever made Holmes.” It was followed by Death By Gaslight, The Great Game, The Empress of India and Who Thinks Evil, published over a period of more than thirty years.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


H. Beam Piper’s First Cycle – edited and explanded by Michael Kurland
In a galaxy very far away, two planets were born in a fiery collision and began to circle a yellow sun. One was watery while the other was hot and arid, but life was tenacious, and managed to develop slowly on both worlds. On the watery planet, fish crawled from the sea and became amphibians, then grew greenish fur to protect them from the cold, and finally walked upright and bore patches of green hair only on their heads. On the arid planet, creatures like large slugs developed bones from their cartilage, crept through the desert as lizards, and finally evolved into red-furred creatures with cat-like faces and monkey’s limbs. On both planets the natives grew more intelligent, learned about trade and war, and sang songs celebrating their exploits. The centuries went by, and eventually it was inevitable that two civilizations living so close to each other would find a way to meet. the history of all civilizations could have predicted that their meeting would not be peaceable…

When the young apprentice Delbit Quint is "bought" by Dr. Faineworth, he arrives in an alternate history version of New York City to help the good doctor with his investigation of "Exxa." This beautiful young woman had just appeared from nowhere, without clothing, on the streets of Gotham two weeks earlier, her memories of herself and her background completely lost. But when they go to her cell, they find it empty—save for her loose garments. Thus begins a glorious adventure in parallel universe-jumping, as Delbit discovers the reality of the world in which he lives—and the many other strange and interesting variations of Earth surrounding it in the Paraverse. Not all of those who’ve developed the capability of jumping to these alternate realities are friendly, however. And ALL of them want Exxa, who has the unique ability of moving from one world to the other without mechanical assistance.

Psi Hunt
“I have nothing to offer you but pain, danger, and sudden death. We face a relentless foe who strikes without warning, destroys without compunction, and kills without pity. We stand, a thin gray line, between Earth and the Vetch."
A sixteen-year-old girl is found drugged, naked and alone in a hotel room muttering the same words over and over again.
“Siren – and tire – and – possibly air. No more than forty thousand sigh”.
But what does it mean?
Lieutenant J.G. Robert Burrows from the US Naval Intelligence was sent to investigate the scene after fears arise that this incident could be an attempt to spy on the John Paul Jones society – a society made up of US Naval officials.
Burrows must call upon the help of Addison Friendly – the owner of Astral Emprise – a company which deals with metaphysics, mysticism, the occult, paranormal phenomena, psychic forces, astrology, ghosts, Ghoulies, vampires, and things what go bump in the night.
However, the US Navy have not been entirely up front with Burrows.
Why are the People’s Republic of China so interested in the John Paul Jones Society?
What secrets are they hiding?
Burrows and Friendly must work together to uncover the secrets of both countries before another World War breaks loose – a war that could mean the end of humanity.

Ten Years to Doomsday (with Chester Anderson)
The image in the batle cruiser’s screens grew – and it was clear that this was a new kind of ship, a new race, the first new civilization the Federation had met in three hundred years. The crew’s excitement mounted – the newcomers would be invited to join the Federation, the crew would all be heroes and be awarded enormous bonuses, and – The stranger opened fire with an impressive battery of weapons; the cruiser’s defenses cut in automatically, and in a few seconds the unidentified ship was nothing but an expanding cloud of radiant gases. After a thousand years of peace in space, there was a war on. But who was the mysterious and deadly enemy?
The image in the batle cruiser’s screens grew – and it was clear that this was a new kind of ship, a new race, the first new civilization the Federation had met in three hundred years. The crew’s excitement mounted – the newcomers would be invited to join the Federation, the crew would all be heroes and be awarded enormous bonuses, and – The stranger opened fire with an impressive battery of weapons; the cruiser’s defenses cut in automatically, and in a few seconds the unidentified ship was nothing but an expanding cloud of radiant gases. After a thousand years of peace in space, there was a war on. But who was the mysterious and deadly enemy?

The Princes of Earth
Adam Worthington is an intelligent, courageous young man from a provincial, repressive planet that has reverted to a kind of fundamental Puritanism. By nature a free-thinker and individualist, Adam has a tough time of it until he’s accepted at one of the Empire’s great schools, the University of Sol on Mars. Then he’s off on the greatest adventure of his life.
His journey through space includes dining with aliens, air swimming, a hijacking, a space trial, and an attempted murder. He finally arrives on campus, where he must face further challenges before his first year of classes begin.

The Whenabouts of Burr
Someone has taken the original document of the U.S. Constitution and substituted another. The substitute is identical, just as old, and equally authentic — except it has been signed by Aaron Burr! It contradicts history, but it is real and there for everyone to see!
Such a crime calls for out-of-this-world detective work. There must be alternate Americas — and one of them must be an American union that Burr helped shape. With a few impossible coins, the path is indicated…and the search for THE WHENABOUTS OF BURR begins! It’s a hunt through all the alternate-universe Americas that might have been — with Alexander Hamilton to point the way and Aaron Burr to block it!

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