Download Single Dad’s Surrogate by Cassandra Zara, Annie Young(.ePUB)

Single Dad’s Surrogate by Cassandra Zara, Annie Young
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 365 KB
Overview: I gave him a baby. Now I’m ready for us to become a family…


I’m a nanny for the sexiest man alive. For years I’ve kept my crush a secret, even through our surrogate pregnancy, but now it’s reached a fever.I’ve seen how Wyatt looks at me.Undeniable tension.Spent restless nights in bed, dreaming about that hard body of his.Wondering if he ever wonders what I’d do to him.For him.Every day I see a strong, loving father to a young girl who needs a mother.I see a gorgeous, damaged man who needs me.And I’m so ready.Ready to be his wife. Ready to be a stepmom.Most of all, ready for a baby of my own.


All I ever wanted was to be a father. But raising a baby alone wasn’t part of the plan.So when the woman who carried my little girl into this world comes back into my life, of course I take the help.But the longer I’m around her, the more I notice how much she has changed.She’s all woman now. A body begging for my touch.Those curves are driving me wild, and I find that I need her as much as my daughter does.Falling in love with my nanny means risking losing everything all over again, but I’m willing to do it if she can give me what I’ve always desired.A family.
Genre: Romance


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