Download Sherlock Holmes Uncovered Tales (#1-14) by Steven Ehrman (.ePUB)

Sherlock Holmes Uncovered Tales (#1-14) by Steven Ehrman
Requirements: ePUB reader, 5.1mb
Overview: Steven Ehrman is an American drummer and the author of three current book series.
The first series is the Sherlock Holmes Uncovered Tales. These are traditional Sherlock Holmes tales with every effort to adhere to the Doyle canon.
By his own words: "The stories I write are generally above 150 pages and in some cases substantially so."
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


1. The Eccentric Painter (2013)
2. The Iron Dog (2013)
3. The Mad Judge (2013)
4. The Spider Web (2013)
5. The Lambs Lane Affair (2014)
6. The Rising Minister (2014)
7. Robin Hood’s Revenge (2014)
8. The Spanish Butler (2014)
9. The Viking General (2014)
10. The League of Mendacious Men (2015)
11. The Poison Pen (2015)
12. The Return of the Speckled Band (2016)
13. Treasure of the Incas (2019)
14. A Case of Embezzlement (2019)

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