Download Shattered Icon by Bill Napier (.ePUB)+

Shattered Icon by Bill Napier
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 928KB | Retail
Overview: An ancient secret, a modern nightmare.

Antique-map-dealer Harry Blake appreciates the quiet life. But when a local landowner asks him to value a four-hundred-year old journal and is then brutally murdered, Harry’s peace of mind is destroyed.

Why is the dusty journal a matter of life or death? The trail leads him into a world of deadly Elizabethan conspiracies, religious intrigue and back to the blood-soaked Crusades…

Can Harry and marine historian Zola Khan find the missing piece of a celestial puzzle? At stake are millions of dollars, and a terrorist plot to trigger total war.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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