Sharon Tate by Andrew Yorke, Jonathan Fischer (Editor)
Requirements: ePUB/MOBI Reader, 502 kb
Overview: Breakthrough author Andrew Yorke and rising arts organization xteamartists (XTA) present a unique insight into the life of one of the iconic figures of the 20th century, Sharon Tate. A culmination of meticulous research and personal devotion, this story is an illustration of seminal moments in Sharon’s life: her birth; her first auditions; her stay in Jean Harlow’s home; her marriage to director Roman Polanski; her role in the film adaptation of Jacqueline Susann’s "Valley of the Dolls"; even her pregnancy and untimely death – through the eyes of her unborn child. Yorke takes her most pivotal and controversial moments and weaves an unequivocally personal account of Sharon’s life and the collective human experience.
This edition was published on Sharon’s 69th birthday and includes an overture, as well as biographical annotations that further illuminate readers. This work has been prepared with careful attention to provide readers with a quality usually reserved for print. It is delivered in the best formats available to ensure an immersive experience for readers. All work was supervised and approved by both xteamartists and Sharon’s sister, Debra Tate.
Genre: Biography
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