Download Shadows on the Gulf by Rowan Jacobsen (.ePUB)

Shadows on the Gulf: A Journey Through Our Last Great Wetland by Rowan Jacobsen
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2.MB
Overview: In the spring of 2010, we watched oil gushing unstoppably into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. But as bad as the spill was, it is only the latest chapter in a century-long story of destruction. At the height of BP’s dispersant madness, the amount sprayed each day merely equaled the amount of dispersant that washes down the Mississippi from the Heartland’s dishwashers and washing machines. Coastal drilling has damaged the region’s ecology far more than offshore drilling. And the acres of marshland ruined by oil slicks can’t compare to the amount that disappears in every hurricane, due to the work of the Army Corps of Engineers. Southern Louisiana is subsiding. Even if we succeed in restoring every mile of beach and wetland from the oil spill, the entire Mississippi Delta could be lost this century, and New Orleans will sink beneath the waves, an American Atlantis.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Environmentalism


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