Requirements: .MP3 reader, 1.1 GB
Overview: The hellscape of postnuclear America has a bloodlust for the good, the innocent, and the helpless. Survival in Deathlands demands a will to endure that is as raw and savage as this brutal frontier. For Deathlands is the future’s last and only hope — for both its inheritors and strange invaders to whom this perdition promises a paradise. Ryan Cawdor is a true warrior of Deathlands, fighting for survival in a bizarre, freakish world. But now, beyond the unseen perils, a new threat emerges: Invaders arrive from a parallel Earth where the nukecaust never happened. Ryan is abducted through a time corridor to the twin Earth, where he discovers a nightmare that makes Deathlands look tame by comparison — and a new plot for its grotesque destruction….
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction > Science Fiction/Fantasy
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