Download Shadow Wood Academy Chronicles by Ally Summers (.ePUB)

Shadow Wood Academy Chronicles by Ally Summers (Shadow Wood Academy Chronicles 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 272 kb
Overview: I was never special, until now.

I know what you’re thinking. Sad lonely professor finds herself with five sinfully hot men who want her and suddenly life is magical and happy. I wish that was real.

That’s not how this story goes.

You have no idea what happens inside the gates at Shadow Wood Academy. Neither did I until I was summoned by the broody headmaster. Lured is a more accurate to describe how Jake Windsor tricked me into walking through the academy’s doors.

Humans don’t attend Shadow Wood. Not as students or teachers. I learn that the first night I’m locked in the faculty tower with no way out. Guys are howling outside my window. There is a girl walking on the roof. And I swear one kid keeps licking his lips every time he sees me.

I need to escape, but there is something alluring about the men who want me to stay. I’m drawn to them, even when I know I should run for my life. Strong. Gorgeous. Sculpted muscles for miles. But did I mention they aren’t human?

I have no plans to give in to them, no matter what they swear my purpose is, until I discover that without me the innocent inside the school could become orphans—or worse—snatched up by a rogue agency. I’m used to taking care of myself, and fighting for everything I have, but saving them feels impossible. I’m strong enough to stand my ground against five of the hottest men I’ve ever met if it means saving lives, right?

I didn’t know destiny could be so tempting or so dangerous.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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