Download Sex and Belonging by Tony Schneider (.ePUB)

Sex and Belonging : On the Psychology of Sexual Relationships by Tony Schneider
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.7 MB
Overview: A sexual relationship, whether fleetingly casual or profoundly permanent, involves at its core the establishment of attachment and an integrative drive to belong. It can include a range of incentives, coloured by physiological drives, cultural contexts, and personal histories. It also involves the physiological processes of brain and body as they relate to the realm of the mind and subjective experience. This complexity poses a challenge for clinicians when developing an integrated psychological model during therapy.

In this stunning new work, Tony Schneider, a practising clinical psychologist for over 30 years, outlines a new model of psychological drives around sexual behaviour. This model unifies the notions of attachment, belonging, desire, attraction and early sexual experience, to create a firm theoretical basis for psychological intervention in human sexual relationships.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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