Download Sentient Cyborg series Jessie Rose Case (.ePUB)

Sentient Cyborg series Jessie Rose Case (#1-5)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 1 MB | 2023 Reissue
Overview: In a post-apocalyptic world love and sparking tantalizing all-consuming passon is hard to find when human life is under threat.
Genre: Romance, Sci-Fi

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1. Sentient Cyborg: This series follows the stories of 5 women. One book for each of them. Where brutality and death a possible everyday occurrence. Survival is hard and the women have to be just as tough. Life is often cheap, with no guarantees beyond the moment they breathe and no real prospects of life beyond that. But they are fighting back. Demanding their right to survive. To find hot loving passion they never thought possible in the arms of other men and live beyond it. With strong dominant sexy men who cherish them, love them and bring them back to life. In the face of such unknown, it is a victory over life itself.

2. Sentient Cyborg: Making another sunrise, a surprise. Where had it all gone wrong? The Hive, a machine-based program has infiltrated the world. Once used to create Cyborgs that were manpower in the military and workhorses to help build the world, were turned overnight into killing machines, turning on the humans that had created them and a brutal war for survival broke out. Military systems taken over, cities were destroyed, nuclear weapons deployed, vast areas becoming waste land and deadly. Humans were decimated and those left turned on each other to survive when they should have been unifying to fight their common enemy. The Hive.

3. Sentient Cyborg: Those few who hid in small pockets afraid to venture out or those that lived behind their walls or lff the grid managed to hang on as the Hive absorbed system after system, taking over the world. Adding to their army any soldier that was human and strong enough to survive the conversion to Cyborg to fill their ranks.

Hundreds, thousands were taken. Dead for a human but with Cyborg mechanics, minds wiped clean, nanos and computers embedded in their brains, they lived again. For decades they waged war for the Hive against the humans before those converted Cyborgs started to think for themselves. Their programming becoming corrupted by the remnants of their human nature asking questions about how they were Cyborg when they’d once been human. The Hive with no logical answer.
And once knowing they’d been killed, wiped and turned against their will, that knowledge set them free.

4. Sentient Cyborg: With no memory of how they’d become Cyborg and little memory of their human life before, they fought the Hive day by day taking more of their kind to their side becoming their own army and did what was logical. Joined forces with the humans hanging on and fighting back. Showing them they were once human and not the Hive.

Looking for information on who they’d once been, what had happened to their families, the loss was difficult to live with. And finding those that accepted them now for what they were a blessing. They were the human’s best chance of winning this war.

And in the process, find a new future of their own in an unpredictable world that held no promise of tomorrow, in the arms of the woman that called to them……
Helping them to heal. Have them accept them and help them to find love once more.
In the war for life, against the odds, nothing was impossible if you wanted it badly enough and had the courage to fight for it.

5. Sentient Cyborg: This series touches on the brutality of women being victims in war. Their courage to overcome it and find love and life in the harsh realities of a post-apocalyptic world. Equally as brutal as it is beautiful, live does go on. These stories do not glorify such crimes against women. But celebrates their ability to survive it and have a life beyond it.

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