Download Seer Wars Season One: A New Earth (Part I) by JC Andrijeski (.ePUB)

Seer Wars Season One: A New Earth (Part I) by JC Andrijeski
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.1 mb
Overview: Back up. Down the ladder, sister.
Her hands gripped the holes in the wall. “Am I a prisoner?”
Surprise flickered over his face, a bare ripple.
River got the sense the surprise was real.
She also got the feeling people didn’t question him much.

River Cleopatra Jones just finished a movie shoot as a stuntwoman in Hollywood, California, when she’s abducted by surly, uncommunicative space pirate, Valek Targen.

After scaring her, blowing a hole through the middle of her ex-boyfriend, and unceremoniously knocking her out, he informs River that her “real” family hired him to bring her back. He also tells her they live in a different dimension, on a whole other version of Earth.

River’s maybe not as surprised by the news as she should be.

Plagued by strange dreams and psychic since childhood, she suffered through foster homes and adoption before finally being rescued by her friend, Malcolm, who took her away from all that, trained her as a stuntwoman, and put her to work.

Now, as River struggles to adjust to an alien, overtly hostile and, at times, disturbingly familiar-feeling world, she fights constantly with her even more hostile and intractable guardian and captor, Valek, who harbors dark secrets of his own.


Author’s Note: This was written originally as a serial, and individual books end on cliffhangers as a result. I’ll be releasing parts of seasons within a few weeks of one another whenever possible to make this easier on readers, and also to keep the books at a reasonable length. Thanks!
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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