Download Seducing the Scoundrel by Nadine Millard (.ePUB)

Seducing the Scoundrel (Wicked Widows’ League #14) by Nadine Millard
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 214 KB
Overview: Married at eighteen and widowed only two years later, Lady Emmaline Stretham hasn’t ever truly gotten to experience life. A Season had never been necessary, and locked away with a cruel, unfeeling husband in the countryside of Ireland hasn’t given her the chance to truly live.

So when the opportunity arrives to spread her wings a little, and with the relative freedom of being a widow she decides to take it. What harm would it do to live a little safe in the knowledge that she’ll never have to marry again?

Dominic Tilton has only ever wanted adventure, freedom, and the occasional woman to warm his bed. So a summer spent in the dull and dreary English countryside isn’t exactly his idea of a good time. But after meeting the delectable (if a little standoffish) Lady Stretham, he decides she is as good a distraction as any. After all, seducing beautiful ladies is one of his favorite pastimes.

A secret assignation seems the perfect distraction for Dominic, and the perfect adventure for Emmaline. Especially since the attraction between them burns white-hot every time they’re in the same room. But the more time they spend together, the more Dominic begins to question if he is the seducer – or if he is being seduced.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Regency


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