Download Secrets of Our Spaceship Moon by Don Wilson (.PDF)

Secrets of Our Spaceship Moon by Don Wilson
Requirements: PDF Reader, 10 MB
Overview: The questions raised point directly to a theory proposed by two Russian scientists that our moon is an artificial orb originally designed as an alien spacecraft. Included are comments on density/mass/resonance and magnetic discrepancies, anomalous topical features, UFO connections, reprints of suspicious (coded) NASA astronaut “chatter” during the Apollo missions, along with some very interesting paleohistorical questions. There are only 3 or 4 photo-illustrations of low quality. While I am not adhering to the spacecraft theory, the anomalies do raise questions about the origins of the moon and whether it has been manufactured or “adjusted” by artificial means for a particular purpose. This theory has also been applied to other moons in our solar system that have similar issues that cannot be explained by standard scientific models.
Genre: Non-Fiction, General, Space


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