Download Seclurm: Devolution by Noah Gallagher (.ePUB)

Devolution by Noah Gallagher (Seclurm #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 523 KB
Overview: “What in the hell have we found?”
“We’re the first people to discover evidence of intelligent life existing outside our planet.”

A routine expedition to an unexplored planetoid leads a small mining crew to the stupefying discovery of an abandoned alien civilization. When the first exploration attempt in the alien ruins nearly results in the death of their captain, the question of the crew’s safety becomes paramount as Rosalyn—the reserved and intelligent second-in-command—attempts to salvage the mission. But their peril deepens exponentially when a deadly alien creature boards the ship, stranding them on the planetoid and hunting them down one by one. To ensure their survival, Rosalyn must point them toward a bold, offensive strategy that will not only save their lives, but uncover the world-threatening mysteries of the unknown liquid substance awaiting them deep in the ruins: SECLURM.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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