Download Seasons of Love series by Caroline Frank (.ePUB)

Seasons of Love series by Caroline Frank (#2-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.4 MB
Overview: Caroline Frank is an indie author and self-proclaimed shoe addict. She currently resides in Manhattan with her husband and two crazy cats, Señor Kitty and Salem.

She spends her days reading, writing, and biking. Her favorite things include the first sip of a Coke on a hot day, crocheting, and using self-deprecating humor to get through the day.

Though she always planned to eventually take over the world, she thinks writing fun stories every day is pretty freaking awesome and plans to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


Shall We Dance? (#2)
A former child actress and a grump partner up and fake-date in this hilarious enemies-to-lovers romance.

I’ve hit rock-bottom, and it is not fun.

My financial planner disappeared with all my money, forcing me to take the first job that’s offered to me: a spot in the popular reality show Celebrity Dance Battle for the chance to win a massive cash prize.

I pretty much have all my eggs in this one basket, and when I’m partnered up with the world’s biggest jerk, I know I’m in big trouble.

When I find out he needs this win just as much as I do, I suggest we convince the audience that we’re in love to increase our chances of winning. We desperately need fan votes and the show is basically just a popularity contest, right?

What could go wrong?

Happily Ever Disaster (#3)
One kid and two years later, Liza and Matt are finally going to tie the knot. After a rocky start to their relationship, Liza is finally going to marry the love of her life—her brother’s best friend.

The wedding has been planned down to the last detail—the most beautiful setting, the best food, and the perfect dress have all been picked by the bride and groom. But when things suddenly start to go awry, our couple starts to wonder whether they must be cursed or something. It feels like the universe is conspiring against them as more and more things go wrong.

After one big incident, when it feels like all is lost and the wedding needs to be canceled, Matt rallies their friends and family to plan the wedding they deserve in an impossibly short amount of time.

Will all be lost, or will Matt be able to save the day so that he and Liza can finally have their Happily Ever After?

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