Download Dread Knight Series by Sarah Hawke (.ePUB)

Dread Knight Series by Sarah Hawke (1-3)Requirements: .ePUB reader, 11 mbOverview: Sarah Hawke is a best-selling science fiction and fantasy author known for her detailed worlds, compelling characters, and spicy scenes. She writes primarily for a male audience, but discerning female readers are welcome!Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy 1. Dread Knight – An oathbreaker paladin. An angel with a dark secret. An unexpected partnership to […]

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Download Shadow of the Seraph by Sarah Hawke (.ePUB)

Shadow of the Seraph by Sarah Hawke (Shadow of the Seraph #1)Requirements: .ePUB reader, 293 KBOverview: The Thirty-Year War is over, and the once-invincible Seraphim Dominion—a vast, interstellar government controlled by gifted humans with psionic abilities—has crumbled. Now anyone with a spark of psychic potential is tirelessly hunted across the galaxy by the ruthless operatives […]

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Download Wrath of the Spider Queen: The Complete Series by Sarah Hawke (.ePUB)

Wrath of the Spider Queen: The Complete Series by Sarah HawkeRequirements: .ePUB reader, 1.47mbOverview: Veteran erotica author Sarah Hawke returns to her dark fantasy roots with Wrath of the Spider Queen, a tantalizing "alternate history" of her sprawling Highwind universe where the dark elves of Vel’shannar have conquered the surface—and enslaved our sexy heroines in […]

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