Download Sea Devils: Pioneer Submariners by John Swinfield (.ePUB)

Sea Devils: Pioneer Submariners by John Swinfield
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6.2 MB
Overview: Pioneer submariners built astonishing contraptions which made perilous voyages or sank like stones. Some were driven by muscle-power or steam engines with chimneys. Others had wheels with which to trundle along the sea-bed. Sea Devils traces the history of early submarines and the colourful array of those who built and sailed them. From a plethora of mad-cap inventors emerged a bizarre machine that navies of the world begrudgingly accepted but viewed with distaste. The submarine matured into a weapon to usurp the mighty battleship. Subject to military and political skirmishing it would win eventual acceptance amid the chaos and carnage of the Great War. Sea Devils brims with daring, larger-than-life personalities and their determination to make underwater voyages. A compelling and readable account of low cunning, high politics, wondrous heroism and appalling tragedy.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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