Download Sci-Fi Sizzlers by Craig A. Falconer (.ePUB)

Sci-Fi Sizzlers by Craig A. Falconer (1-2)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 223 kb
Overview: Craig A. Falconer is a science fiction author from Edinburgh, Scotland.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. Wanderlust – Every night for the past four months, I’ve dreamed of being chosen for the trip to Calbora.
The others have grown comfortable in the safety of the station’s bunks, praying their names won’t be called.
Not me.
Every day since we got here, I’ve looked up and wondered.
Not anymore.
No one can know the real reason it matters so much, but one way or another… I’m getting on that ship.
Because I wasn’t born to look up and wonder. I was born to get up and wander.

2. Pamela 2.0 – Every home could use an extra helping hand…
Meet Pamela 2.0, the latest and greatest incarnation of a gadget like no other.
Increased intelligence! Greater dexterity! Faster responsiveness!
The lucky tech reviewer who receives the first prototype quickly learns that Pamela 2.0 represents a quantum leap in consumer robotics, capable of meeting a modern homeowner’s every need.
Eager to please by following any order that doesn’t involve physical contact with a human, there’s almost nothing Pamela can’t do — she takes out the trash, she washes the dishes, she feeds the dog.
But sometimes, just sometimes, she thinks for herself.
Today, Pamela arrived with one objective: to secure a positive review from her influential host. And one way or another, she’ll stop at nothing to get it…

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