Download Samantha in Singapore by Alex Jamieson (.ePUB)

Samantha in Singapore: A First Time Interracial Hotwife Story (The Hotwife Travel Series Book 3) by Alex Jamieson
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 291 KB
Overview: Samantha and Jake Fielding are smart, hard working, professionals who get offered their dream jobs in Singapore. Sam’s career has always been her passion, driven by her memories of a tough upbringing. This third book in the Hotwife Travel Series follows their adventures as they are introduced to a world where hidden desires and long-held fantasies collide. Witness Samantha’s transformation from a beautiful but naïve mathematician into a confident, sexually liberated hotwife. A transformation that occurs under the constant gaze of her conflicted husband, Jake.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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