Download Salvaging Marigold by Jane Blythe (.ePUB)

Salvaging Marigold by Jane Blythe (Broken Gems Book 6)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 303 kb
Overview: She’s been used by men her whole life what makes him any different?
Marigold Vaile has a bad track record when it comes to men, but she is determined to start the new year by making some changes. When her twin fails to show up for their cousin’s wedding she’s going to have to trust her one night stand to get her sister back alive. Is he different than all the others or will her heart be broken all over again?
Jonah Jagger moved to get away from his ex-wife after the disintegration of their marriage. When a stunning redhead catches his attention the two celebrate New Year’s Eve by tumbling into bed. What was only supposed to be one night quickly becomes more when he promises her cousin he’ll look after her as they hunt for her missing twin. Only a killer might not be all the couple has to contend with as his persistent ex circles closer.
Genre: Romance


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