Download Safe Haven Wolves Boxed Set 3 by Sherry Foster (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

Safe Haven Wolves Boxed Set 3: Books 7-9 by Sherry Foster
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 961 KB
Overview: With a day job of driving an 18 wheeler there is not much time for writing. When I do sit down to write my raccoon wants to help. Raccoons are less help than toddlers when it comes to computers. Much less helpful. With a series of 13 books planned I have to convince her I need no help, or find better hiding places.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Fantasy, Paranormal


Betrayed by love.
Captured by the enemy.
Nicole has her life planned out, marry a human and give up the wolf inside forever. Her dad doesn’t approve but he will support her decision. Until that decision ends lives.
Now her life is a tiny cell with an auction looming overhead and her only hope is one phone call her seven-year-old sibling made. The man who answered swore he would find them and he is their best chance of rescue. But will he find them in time?
Samson doesn’t talk about his job to anyone. Tracking down human traffickers in a black op organization means lots of secrets to maintain his cover. His Alpha knows what he does, but few others. His partner doesn’t have a clue what he is. Now he has to break cover and hope his own partner doesn’t kill him because the stakeout just got serious.
Who will get to the female first? The man on the other end of the phone call or the mate who is willing to give up everything to storm the compound and damn the consequences?

She wanted a shifter mate.
She got Dacron instead.
With a few words, he destroyed everything she thought she knew about the Clans.
Casey spent years looking for the perfect mate to help her break the curse on the shifters. She didn’t expect her lifelong journey to end with someone else opening the book. But before she can figure out what to do with her life, things take an unexpected twist.
Dacron doesn’t want a mate at all, especially not one from some backwater planet in a far distant solar system. His rage at seeing Casey for the first time shocks everyone, but the information he has on her people could destroy the world.
Now Casey has to stay alive long enough to decide how she wants to live her life, and with Dacron calling for her death, that may be harder than expected.

Amber has always been careful.
Until the day she wasn’t.
Growing up in Edward’s pack Amber knew she would always be protected. After all, who would mess with someone the size of a tank? But one moment of inattention was all it took. Now she is being held by someone she thought was a friend.
If she can trick him and gain her freedom, she will still have to navigate her way back to the territory she calls home. The biggest problem with her plan? She doesn’t know where they are in Australia only that the drive was long. She needs money, a phone and a better plan.
With her birthday looming she doesn’t have much time to make it to safety.

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