Download Russian Influence by Kevin N. McCauley (.ePUB)

Russian Influence Campaigns against the West: From the Cold War to Putin by Kevin N. McCauley
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 907 KB
Overview: Russia, under both the Soviets and Vladimir Putin, is in a struggle with Western civilization, and has conducted influence campaigns to weaken and undermine the West from within. This study of influence campaigns waged against the West by the Soviet Union and now by Russia under President Vladimir Putin is intended to present a detailed overview and analysis of the various influence campaigns. Methods and means employed by the Soviet Union included active measures, disinformation, propaganda, controlled international front groups, agents of influence, forgeries, and reflexive control. Campaign themes are examined, and two key campaigns against NATO deployment of the neutron bomb and intermediate-range nuclear force are analyzed as case studies of a successful and failed campaign.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Politics & Government


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