Ruins Sonata Series by Michael John Grist (1-2)
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Overview: Michael John Grist is a British author and ruins photographer who lives in London, UK. He writes dark and weird science fiction and fantasy books, such as the fantasy novel Ignifer’s Rise and the SF series The Ruins Sonata.
Genre: Science Fiction
1. Mr. Ruins
The Arctic ice is gone, blasted apart in decades-long resource wars, and global tsunamis have scoured the world into ruin. Survivors hide in utopian cities behind vast flood-walls, or on lawless floating slums on the open ocean, living in fear of the next big wave.
Ex-Arctic marine Ritry Goligh doesn’t care. He lost more in the wars than anyone could understand. Now he lives in the slums, and spends his nights in an alcohol-soaked blur of violence and sex, until a shadowy figure with an excellent hat drops the corpse of Napoleon at his feet.
This is Mr. Ruins, a sadist and mass murderer. In the rusted hull of a belly-up cathedral ship, he offers Ritry a better life, built on the back of stolen thoughts. But he asks a terrible price, and Ritry must decide what kind of man he wants to be- predator, prey, or something wholly new, before Mr. Ruins steals the one thing he has left: his soul.
2. King Ruin
The sadistic Mr. Ruins is gone, swallowed by a tsunami at the edge of the floating slums, and ex-Arctic marine Ritry Goligh’s long nightmare is finally over. His family are safe, his soul is his own, and at last he can go home.
Then comes an explosion that makes no sound, but blows all his thoughts to shreds. In an instant Ritry is prey again, hunted by a power so vast he can’t even comprehend it. This is King Ruin, and before him all Rit can do is run, so far and so fast he starts to forget who and what he is.
Soon half his mind is gone, and the souls of billions are at stake. King Ruin wants the Bridge, a direct path into the minds of every living thing, and only a lost and broken Ritry Goligh can stand in his way.
Download Instructions:
1. Mr. Ruins
2. King Ruin